In my haste to upgrade our website, I failed to work out how to add my back up of our old website into our new website – so I think it may be easier to just start again! Then I’ll work out how to add the back up!
So I am trying to be a little more active on our website this year (one of my goals along with a few others!) and also include Abigayle and Christofer as Editors – we’ll see how that goes.
There has been a lot going on in our lives, despite last year’s weird vibe. Abigayle is now in Year 9 at high school and Christofer is in Year 6 in primary school – his last year as he is the first year in year 7 to go up to high school. Bit scary really! But I am sure he will cope!
I’m working with an Australian distributor that supplies innovative technologies to research, including medical and agricultural research.
Jeremy is volunteering at the RSPCA and then also on the committee of the South Australian Road Runners Association, so he is quite busy organising races.
We are organising our garden and house and trying to keep up with the various sport and dance interests of the kids, while entertaining two cats who sole ambition every day is to spend as much time as possible outside!
I have managed over the last month to create a new desktop for my computer. You can find the credits here in The LilyPad Gallery.

Please leave a comment if you download – the photo is at Goolwa Beach.
I think that is all for now! Thanks for looking,